Ransomware Attacks

How to Combat Ransomware Attacks

The U.S. was hit by a barrage of Ransomware Attacks inĀ  2019 that impacted small businesses, mid sized businesses, at least 948 government agencies, educational establishments and health-care providers at a potential cost in excess of 7.5 billion according to a December Emsisoft report. This up from 2.5 million in 2014.

Cybercriminals launch ransomware attacks against organizations across all industries, and SoCal IT Support offers a variety of tips to help organizations combat these attacks, including:

  • Provide cybersecurity training to teach employees about current and emerging cybersecurity risks and phishing emails.

  • Deploy a whitelisting solution that limits the use of applications and processes that are allowed to run Desktop Computers, Laptops and Servers.

  • Leverage multiple backups of data, applications and application platforms and ensure that these backups are air-gapped from the Internet and password-protected.

  • Use file integrity monitoring solutions to track activity across an IT environment.

  • Undergo security audits and penetration testing performed by independent, third-party cybersecurity experts to identify security gaps and explore ways to eliminate these gaps. Many of the security gaps are caused by human error in configuring security devices.

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